Subtle changes in your ability to hear sounds can be hard to recognize because of how slowly hearing loss normally progresses. Even though children are frequently tested, the majority of adults don’t even consider scheduling a hearing exam like they would their vision. You wouldn’t ignore a decline in your eyesight, so why wouldn’t you […]
It may seem, initially, like measuring hearing loss would be easy. If you’re suffering from hearing loss, you can most likely hear some things clearly at a lower volume, but not others. The majority of letters may sound clear at any volume but others, such as “s” and “b” may get lost. It will become […]
Cognitive decline and hearing loss, what’s the link? Brain health and hearing loss have a connection which medical science is starting to comprehend. Your risk of developing dementia is increased with even minor hearing loss, as it turns out. These two seemingly unrelated health conditions may have a pathological link. So, how does loss of […]
You’ve seen the videos on TikTok. Babies hearing their mother’s voices for the first time after being fitted for a hearing aid. Sometimes, initially, the baby is resistant. When the doctor attempts to put the hearing aid in their ears, they fight against it. They might cry before they smile with delight. A variety of […]
Denial is a typical first response. My loved one must be just making it seem like their hearing loss is worse than it really is. She’s not old enough to need a hearing aid. Maybe, the two of you have started to joke around with each other about it. She is always requesting that you […]
Assistive listening devices and hearing aids can be used to treat the common condition of hearing loss. But hearing loss is often neglected and untreated. This can lead to greater depression rates and feelings of isolation in those with hearing loss. And these feelings of depression and separation can be increased by the breakdown of […]
Hearing loss is difficult, if not impossible, to self-diagnose. To illustrate, you can’t really measure your level of hearing by simply putting your ear next to a speaker. So getting a hearing test will be crucial in understanding what’s happening with your hearing. But there’s no need to worry or stress out because a hearing […]
Bananas taste much different then they used to. There are extremely different types of bananas being grown these days by banana farmers. These new bananas develop faster, are more resilient, and can thrive in a wider variety of climates. They don’t taste the same either. So why haven’t you noticed the great banana exchange? Well, […]