In the past they were known as “books-on-tape”. Back then, of course, we didn’t even have CDs never mind streaming services. Nowadays, people call them audiobooks (which, to be honest, is a far better name). An audiobook gives you the ability to read a book by, well, listening to it. It’s kind of like having […]
Do you recollect the old tale of Johnny Appleseed? When you were younger you probably heard the story of how Johnny Appleseed traveled around bringing fresh apples to communities (the moral of the story is that apples are healthy, and you should eat them). That’s only partly true. The real Johnny Appleseed (whose real name […]
Have you ever had your car break down in the middle of the road? That really stinks! Your car has to be safely pulled off the road. Then you probably open your hood and take a look at the engine. Who knows why? What’s strange is that you do this even though you have no […]
When it comes to history, there are three different types of people: those who find history to be amazingly fascinating, individuals who think history is horribly dull, and those who think history is full of aliens. Aliens aren’t behind the history of hearing aids. But it’s most likely a lot weirder than you may think. […]
As we age, we all recognize that hearing loss and certain mental health challenges can get worse despite a healthy, active lifestyle. And a strong link between the two has been observed by scientists which should never be ignored. So don’t turn off that hearing aid. People with neglected hearing loss are twice as likely […]
Have you ever experienced an itch that you just couldn’t scratch? Okay, there are two ways to think about it: The first thing you might think of is that bucket list item you just never seem to get to. Or, if you’re a bit less of a romantic, you consider that spot on your back […]
Musicians rock. They bring so much happiness to our lives with their performances. The drawback is that music is almost always loud, in fact, many people like it better that way. Since musicians expose themselves to loud music frequently, their hearing is at greater risk of being damaged. As you grow older, you’ll still want […]
Hearing loss is difficult, if not impossible, to self-diagnose. To illustrate, you can’t really measure your level of hearing by simply putting your ear next to a speaker. So getting a hearing test will be crucial in understanding what’s happening with your hearing. But there’s no need to worry or stress out because a hearing […]
Most people don’t want to talk about the impact hearing loss has on relationships, even though it’s an issue many people deal with. Hearing loss can cause communication barriers that result in misunderstandings and frustration for both partners. This is the perfect time for you to show your love and appreciation for your loved one […]
Have you ever bought one of those “one size fits all” t-shirts only to be dismayed (and shocked) when the shirt doesn’t, in fact, fit as advertised? That’s truly frustrating. There aren’t really very many “one size fits all” with anything in the real world. That’s not only relevant with clothing, it’s also true with […]