For just a moment, picture that you have a job as a salesperson. Today, you’re on a very important call with a possible client. Your company is being considered for a job and several individuals from your company have come together on a conference call. As the call goes on, voices go up and down…and […]
Pizza is a fascinating thing. As long as a few factors are met, you can change toppings, cheese, and sauce, and it’s still a pizza. That’s a lot like hearing loss. But as long as you have a hard time hearing sound, it’s still hearing loss whether it’s due to genetic factors, age, blockages, or […]
Cognitive decline and hearing loss, what’s the link? Brain health and hearing loss have a connection which medical science is starting to comprehend. Your risk of developing dementia is increased with even minor hearing loss, as it turns out. These two seemingly unrelated health conditions may have a pathological link. So, how does loss of […]
If you are one of the millions of individuals in the U.S. suffering from a medical disorder called tinnitus then you most likely know that it tends to get worse when you are attempting to go to sleep. But why should this be? The ringing or buzzing in one or both ears is not an […]
Aren’t there a couple of types of vacation? There’s the kind where you jam every single activity you can into every waking moment. These are the vacations that are remembered for years later and are full of adventure, and you go back to work more worn out than you left. Then there are the relaxing […]
You’ve probably noticed that when movies or television shows get really intense, they start using close-ups (perhaps even extreme close-ups). This is because more information than you’re likely even consciously aware of is conveyed by the human face. To say that humans are very facially focused is, well, not a stretch. So having all of […]
Once you get used to your hearing aid, it’s hard to go without it. After all, your hearing aids are essential to connect to your world. But it will occasionally have to be upgraded or replaced just like all technology. The normal lifespan of a hearing aid From 3 to 7 years will be the […]
It’s not like you simply wake up one day, and suddenly can’t hear. For most people, hearing loss happens in degrees, particularly when it is linked to aging. Some indicators appear earlier, though, and you don’t realize there is an issue immediately. The early symptoms of progressive hearing loss are subtle. Delaying the development of […]
You know that scene in your favorite action movie where something explodes near the hero and the sound gets all high-pitched-buzzing? Well, at least some amount of mild brain trauma has likely happened to them. Obviously, action movies don’t highlight the brain injury part. But that ringing in our hero’s ears signifies a condition called […]
You’ve seen the videos on TikTok. Babies hearing their mother’s voices for the first time after being fitted for a hearing aid. Sometimes, initially, the baby is resistant. When the doctor attempts to put the hearing aid in their ears, they fight against it. They might cry before they smile with delight. A variety of […]